Periodically we will add articles to this section of the site, partly to inform but also to stimulate debate. Please contribute if you wish, we welcome your views, insights, stories and questions. Be as controversial as you like, there is room for every angle!!!
We prefer to leave the site open to all, and there is no need to register or become a member. For this reason, all comments are moderated to prevent “spam” and avoid offensive material being posted, there may therefore be a slight delay between your posting a comment and it appearing on the site, please bear with us – we’ll be as quick as we can!
Current Articles:
- The Sensitive Rider – How to improve your contact with your horse leading to more enjoyment for you both and better scores
- Thoughts on Breeding & Producing the Competition Horse or Pony – Our approach to breeding and producing in summary
- – Buy, breed, borrow or lease? Thoughts on picking you way through the minefield
- Bending and flexing, the alternative to Rollkur
Please use the comments box below to let us know if there are any topics you would like to see covered!