
STOP PRESS – Dressage Explorer IOS App BETA Test has started!

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If you are part of the Beta Test programme, please provide feedback using TestPilot, there is also a closed FaceBook group that you can join – contact us using the Contact link at the bottom of the page. If you are not, but would like to know more, please register your interest using the Contact link at the bottom of the page.

Tracy and Gosh headDown-to-earth dressage for real people with real horses, covering every aspect of how to get the best out of your horse and yourself to achieve your ambitions – and, above all, have fun.

We welcome your active participation; whatever your interest or riding level we think you will find something useful to take away and apply for yourself, and we hope you will share your own experiences.

One difference you may have noticed is the lack of the customary (for a dressage site) flashy Grand Prix angle. That’s not because Tracy isn’t a Grand Prix rider (she is) or that we don’t have top-level horses (we do), it’s because we believe that what matters most is making dressage work at the levels most riders are riding at, on the sort of horse that most people own.